BLACKOUT Dining in the Dark

Eating in the dark doesn’t have to mean munching on a soggy T.V. dinner with the lights off. BLACKOUT “Dining in the Dark” is going to turn your lame meals into an all-out sensory experience. Sure, you can get a meal anywhere. Heck, it’s not even that hard to find a multi-course, plant-based prix-fixe meal in this town. But BLACKOUT takes it up a notch by giving you a meal in the pitch black darkness. Seriously, you literally can’t see anything.

Phones, flashlights or light of any sort aren’t allowed. But that’s what allows your other senses to hop into the driver’s seat and take the wheel. It’s like if MJ finally gave the other Jackson brothers some shine, imagine what they could’ve been. Sit back and relax as your mystery plant-based, seven-course prix-fixe meal is served. Like an ex boo-thang, you’ll taste, smell, hear and feel food in a way that you’ve probably never fully appreciated until it’s gone. And since the servers come equipped with night vision goggles, you won’t have to worry about the grub getting to your plate safely, because it’s all gravy (no pun intended). Finally, it’s time to put all of those nights of eating in the dark to use. There isn’t a dining experience anywhere else in Vegas like BLACKOUT “Dining in the Dark.” You’re going to want to check this place out.

More Info – Book Now


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